Friday, August 23, 2013


I am writing this post for a friend who has been through some very traumatic changes in her life.  It has been, I think, 3 years now since her life has been flipped upside down. And it hasn't been one of those situations that she was able to just grieve and get over it....rather it has just kept spinning her life around in circles.  This encouragement is for her but I make it semi-public because this encouragement fits for all of those who call Christ Jesus their Lord. 

Do you ever wish that you could just have more money and  buy those things that would make your life easier? These things that aren't necessities but would sure come in handy.  It isn't that you're greedy...not at all.  It's just that you tire of having to do things the hard way.  It would be nice to have pretty things too....or things that give life that little extra fun-ness. too! The kids and I watched a show about a family who was very rich and had all the money to buy whatever they needed and wanted, materially speaking. They were in the middle of building the largest 1 family dwelling in the nation when Dad had to declare bankruptcy and they very nearly lost everything.  They were in for a real shock when Mom couldn't run to the store and buy the coolest shoes at every one of their whims.   I don't think any of us want this kind of believers we know better!  But maybe  our culture duped us into thinking a little too much like, well, like an American.  I can't speak for you, but I know that I think all too much like an  American and not like a Christian.  Think for a moment what it means to "pursue the American Dream".   House, job, money, career...yep.  And those are all good things.  I whole-heatedly believe that God has blessed this country because of our God-fearing roots.  But where do we draw the line between pursuing that dream and pursuing Christ? Or are they the same thing? After all God did bless this country in terms of being able to pursue that dream so maybe they are one in the same. 

What does the American Dream entail....first and foremost I think we can say productivity.  Let's define that word: Having the power of producing, generating, or creating ( Ok. So as Americans we try to generate or produce the means to survive...a shelter, clothing, and food.  Plus, the things we want: Good food, nice clothes, nice house, recreation, toys. Now let's define productive from the Bible and compare the two definitions.
The actual word productive is only used once in the whole Bible:  Luke 12:16-17
 And He told them a parable, saying, "The land of a rich man was very productive."

So we here that it refers to the producing a crop.  The fig tree was rebuked by Jesus for not producing figs.
Matt 21:19
Seeing a lone fig tree by the road, He came to it and found nothing on it except leaves only; and He said to it, "No longer shall there ever be any fruit from you." And at once the fig tree withered.

So without belaboring the point too far. We see that in the simplest of terms that productive means to bear fruit.  And fruit being:
Gal 5:22-24

 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 24 Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

And so how to the two compare?  Already we see a fairly big difference.  Being productive as an American is to work...Being productive as a believer is to bear fruit. Let's go a step farther. The definition of being sanctified.
Rom 6:19

I am speaking in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh. For just as you presented your members as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness, resulting in further lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness, resulting in sanctification.

I could go on and on about what exactly this passage means but suffice it to say for lack of space and time that we are, as believers, in the process of being sanctified by the blood of Jesus.  What exactly does sanctified mean?  Being made holy...set apart or in the process of being changed into the likeness of Jesus....Yep....but what else or how does this practically play out in our daily lives? In the Greek it means set apart.  Set apart from what?  From the World and their purposes. Sanctified in the Enlish language is defined as being productive for a specific purpose. What is God's purpose for us? To bear fruit. How do we bear fruit?  By loving.  First by loving Him and then by loving the people that are around us. I like to place a colon after love in Galatians 5.  The fruit of the Spirit is love.  Love is joy peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control...there is no law against love and the way it is played out. We can do this as much as we want.

So as Christians we know that it is not our primary job to pursue the American Dream in terms of the beautiful house, and the beautiful clothes and beautiful food...(being the foody I am this is one is harder for me to let go of) ....right, this is a no brainer.  But  how much of the American Dream do we try to translate into our Christian lives...the beautiful ministry...the beautiful kids...the beautiful church...the beautiful conversions....the beautiful (insert your own).  Or we see our lack thereof and then guilt because we aren't producing according to the Christian American Dream (Gospel  according to me) guidelines.  All I can say here is....STOP IT!  Remember, "for by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is  the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast"
"As far as material fruit or wealth goes here is a great scripture:
Hab 3:17-19

Though the fig tree should not blossom
And there be no fruit on the vines,
Though the yield of the olive should fail
And the fields produce no food,
Though the flock should be cut off from the fold
And there be no cattle in the stalls, Yet I will exult in the LORD,
I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.  
The Lord GOD is my strength,
And He has made my feet like hinds' feet,
And makes me walk on my high places.

Ours is not the job to convert, to have the beautiful ministry, to have the beautiful church, the beautiful kids, the beautiful house, the beautiful life.....ours is to Worship the Lord and then to treat those around us with the love of God that He gives us while we worship.
Luke 12:31-32

 "But seek His kingdom, and these things will be added to you.   " Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.  

Give me the life of complete submission to Christ and His ways.....the wealth that God has ordained as GOOD!

Can anyone say AMEN?


Friday, August 2, 2013


Everything that is going through my head these days....
*my kids....need to work on doing more Bible focus time with them.
*My home it here and pray for it's well being regularly.
*the prospect of having an empty nest....Lydia is 8 but it goes so fast and I am not looking forward to it. But I am too...ya know.
*the concept of submission as a believer....intrigued by the concepts that are fresh and new to me. Cant wait to share them.
*the upcoming wedding....overjoyed!
*resting in underdeveloped skill in my life....this goes along with the submission concept too.
*fermenting....really want to get into this.
*the garden.....worked really hard on it, hope it produces some good stuff and hope I can preserve it properly which goes back to the fermenting.
*the future of our children in this country....concerned.
*the future of our country.....concerned.