Friday, March 7, 2014

Righteousness Part 3

I have attempted to establish that our righteousness, at its very peak performance, fails miserably at reaching Gods expectations. If this is true, then, there must be another way, right? There is. First we must acknowledge our failure and must understand and completely comply with the new system that God has put in place for us to be righteous.

I will review what the old system originally looked like.  It was a structure of numerous rules that had to be carried out perfectly. It also entailed carrying out numerous types of sacrifices in order to atone for the lack of perfection in carrying out the rules.   These rules are called the "law" handed down through Moses from God. The law can be found in the book of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy in the Old Testament of the Bible. Romans is a book in the New Testament that speaks almost exclusively about the law.  Part of the message in Romans says, in a very small nut shell, that the law was too heavy of a burden. We are unable to carry out its commands according the expectation of God. Humans simply can not do it.  The most logical next question: why did God give us a law if he knew that we could not carry it out? The answer, in a very small nutshell:  BECAUSE THE LAW DEFINES SIN.

Romans 7:8
But sin, taking opportunity through the commandment, produced in me coveting of every kind; for apart from the Law sin is dead.

Without the law, the word "sin" is meaningless.  What is sin? Sin means to miss the expectation of God in our actions, words and thoughts. Literally, it means to miss the target  when shooting an arrow. The sport of archery is the perfect analogy for explaining the law.   For analogy sake let's agree that the  arrow represents our actions, words and thoughts. The target represents the law.  At that time, it became God's expectation for every human hearing the law to then adjust his actions, thoughts, and words according to the law.  The law provides a target for every hearer at which to shoot.  Because it is so detailed, concise and thorough it is a very small target which makes aiming at it challenging and hitting it impossible.  If sin means missing the target and the target is so difficult to hit, where does that leave us? It leaves us understanding what we did wrong but nothing we can do about it.  So why did God provide such a small target...why have a target at all?  Without the target (the law) sin exists but humans have no definition.  This, then, would be analogous to shooting an arrow into the air aimlessly. What's the point in that?

At the beginning, after God created Adam and Eve, He gave them one single command, "Don't eat from this tree, the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil! You can eat from every other one in the garden but not this one."  God gave them a gigantic target.   In my own imagination, this target would look like the size of a barn with a bulls eye the same size as the target.  It appears to me that they aimed rather carelessly and missed horrifically.  All they had to do was hit that one rather large target....don't eat from this one tree.   When they did this, God no longer held onto the reigns of the knowledge of good and evil.  This knowledge was then transferred to humans as well.  Humans, whom God had created not to handle such information.  Maybe there would have been a day when we could have but we will never know.  But this knowledge was undefined and murky to humans.  They did not know how to make use of it.  

In a way, I can say that Adam and Eve bent that proverbial arrow which, remember, represents our actions, thoughts and words.   Even if the target is of manageable size and distance, if the arrow is not straight, we will not hit the target.   Now, let me summarize.   Adam and Eve bent the arrow that God gave them to shoot at His rather large target.   In response to this, several generations later, God gave the law to the Israelite nation (the Jews).   So using our analogy, we have a bent arrow with no aim until the very small target was furnished, the law.  Tell me, if it's hard to shoot at a target with a straight arrow how much harder would it be to shoot at a target with a small target and a crooked arrow?  Is  this God's fault that this all happened? One may think so but, in reality, it isn't.  Adam and Eve made that choice.  Did He know that they would fail?  He did but He also knew that when they failed He had another plan.  This plan has taken thousands of years to unfold and so I think that speaks to it's worth-whileness.  

The next logical question: there are so many who have never laid eyes on this law that I speak of? What about them? How can God hold to account something that has never been seen? When God dispensed the law, He did so to the Israelites/Jews only. Anybody who was not a Jew is called a Gentile. The Gentiles did not receive the law from Moses.  The rest of us received the law in another way.  

Romans 2:14-15
For when Gentiles who do not have the Law do instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having the Law, are a law to themselves, in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them.

Everyone else,  no matter who you are, where you live, whether it be in the remotest part of the untouched jungles of Africa, received God's indelible expectation on the heart....THE CONSCIENCE. Our conscience is the answer to that question. And, our conscience is not much different than the ten commandments.   The Jews received a law, part of which, was literally written in stone and the other part preserved through written tradition in great detail.   That, therefore, leaves us all accountable to HIM, who created each of us.  One of the reasons why the world does not want to acknowledge that there is a God.  If they acknowledge, then His expectations for His created go right with it. 

Romans 1:20-22
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools...

I am here to tell you that we have failed, every one of us, to follow our consciences.   Gentiles have failed along with the Jews to hit the proverbial target that God gave to them.   We have all ignored our conscience at least once.  

How does anyone ever hope to be holy and righteous which is the requirement of God?
Knowing full well that humans could not live up to the standard...which was never his intent, he supplied the once and for all sacrificial atonement for our consistent failure.  Atonement is an odd word that is not much used in the USA. It means: satisfaction or reparation for a wrong or injury; amends. According to the old system, atonement or reparation for wrong doing (sin) was performed through various animal sacrifices and by releasing a scape goat into the wilderness (Leviticus 1-7, 16,17,22). The scape goat was ceremonially prepared to carry the sins of the people into the wilderness where they would be forgotten (Leviticus 16:8-10). This system, as I have stated, did not entirely fulfill God’s desire of having a righteous people.  He knew that it would not fulfill his desire but He went ahead with this primary plan anyway….why?  So that the plan He would reveal in time would be appreciated that much more.  Here is an analogy.
Let’s say that a child daughter does not regularly do her household chores.  The desire is for her to do her chores.  Her chores are good for her and  these chores will teach her responsibility for the time when she is an adult.  But, no matter what is done or said she won’t do them.  So a system is set up. For every chore that she does not do, she owes 30 min on her bed doing nothing but reading a book.  If she fails at every one of her chores…the next day she owes 2 hours on her bed plus she has to do all of her chores for that day.  And it goes on and on for months like this.  This becomes a very heavy burden to her and the parent.   She is losing out on her favorite past times and time with her friends. The burden, after several months of this, is excruciating so it’s time to bring forth grace.  This probably wasn't going to work but she needed to see that there are consequences for wrong doing.   One day the parent says, “Ok Gertrude, you still didn’t do your chores yesterday so I am going to do them for you and I will spend time on your bed for the chores that you did not do yesterday.”  What do you think her response is going to be?  If she is very lazy child who simply does not care about me or chores I might get, “I don’t care” for a time.  But most likely after a few days of this she is going to say eventually, “Mom, I will do my own chores” and she does them from that day forward.

God in His graciousness, understood that the law, the failure of following it, and the numerous sacrifices were too much…but they were His way, in His complete omniscience, of showing us that there was only way to fix the problem….the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.  Not only was He the ultimate sacrifice for every sin committed by every person, He was the scape goat which removed those sins forever from the presence of God. But, it is a gift of forgiveness that must be accepted and He asks nothing in return.  He does not force anything on to anyone…If you want to receive His forgiveness He will give it to you through acknowledging that you are in need of it and by acknowledging that the penalty for your sin has been paid. And after this you need to repent or turn away from the things that you, in your heart, know were offensive to a loving God.  In this you can be righteous in His eyes too.  Start reading the Bible and start learning about the Savior who gave His life that you could have life.

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