Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Righteousness Part 1

Reading the book of Romans has been adventurous. As a fiber loverI likened 
the reading of it to the unraveling of a skein of yarn. One who knits or crochets 
may understand this. As the skein draws closer to the end of itself it becomes a little 
tougher to just pull yarn and it tends to appear to be  knotted up. Though it isn't 
knotted up at all. Therefore, trying to undo knots that aren't knots actually 
produce knots.  Am I knot making sense? Haha. All that needs to be done is to 
take a very close look at the yarn to determine where it is simply tight loops arounds 
other loops. Realizing that analogies only work to a certain point, unraveling Romans 
was similar for me. There are no "knots" that that needed to be untangled rather a close 
look at the context. Concepts that appear to be contradictory are, in reality, wrapped 
tightly around the heart of the gospel. Untangling is unnecessary.  Gentle probing and
fingering does the trick. So it is when reading the Word of God.  By taking a full year to 
mentally finger and probe I gained the opportunity to  begin to appreciate the 
continuity. I realized that sin, justification, faith, belief, righteousness, and grace, 
to name just a few, are all strung  along a single strand.  So when I, for unknown reasons, 
focused in on the concept of righteousness I found that all of the other concepts 
tightly related freely fell upon my understanding as well.  And so without further 
delay I want to share what I am learning about righteousness.
Righteous means the  state of being right. Righteousness is the ongoing state of 
being right.  I was taught in school not to define a word using parts of it so here 
is another definition: the condition of having the perfectly suited response, reaction 
or attitude toward a subject or circumstance. In the process of dissecting
the concept of righteousness other elements appear.   The first is the element of 
defining what is right.  The claim of being right holds the claim to know what 
"right"  looks like.  When I say that I am right, I make that statement 
 according to my definition or someone elses. This is called 
the standard.  I use a ruler to measure my daughters height. I can either use
 an inch ruler or metric ruler.  In this instance there are two "standards" in which 
to measure. 
Secondly, righteousness  also contains the element of justification. 
Justified means to defend through assurance or certainty.  If I am "right"  then 
I am also justified. Justified also means aligning oneself with a standard and 
"measuring up to" said standard. It works in reverse as well. For example,  if she
 is justified or believes that she has the right to behave in a certain way then she 
is convinced or justified of her right thinking and action.  Therefore, if one claims 
to be right then one is also making the claim of being justified, 
just or having the right in their dealings.  
Now to put  this into into practice concerning an understanding of the righteousness 
of God and self righteousness. First a look at the righteousness of God.   This should be 
simple enough.  What an under statment.
God is right in all of His dealings and is therefore just in all of His dealings or 
put another way...He has the right to behave how He deems fit. He is always right 
therefore He is 100% righteous.  He needs not make any excuse or explanation for 
what He does because He set it up and He adheres to His own standard accordingly. 
And since the standard is defined by God everything that is wrapped up in righteous-
ness is also defined i.e. sin, holiness, grace, mercy, redemption (or the gospel), 
love, and judgment.  This being an incomplete list.  Sin is missing the target of 
His defined standard.  Grace and mercy are then defined and embossed upon by the 
definition of sin.  Grace and mercy or the lack thereof are the platforms from 
which sin is handled. If sin is not defined by God's standard then neither is 
grace and mercy.  And so it goes for redemption or a proper understanding of the 
gospel and judgment; neither of which can be comprehended without God's 
predetermined definition of right and wrong.  His love? How can anyone begin to 
understand the depth of love He has for us without understanding His character 
which is wrapped up in His righteousness or Holiness and consequentially His plan 
of redemption through grace,  mercy and judgment.  Without perceiving  His love, 
we are left guessing about His just action of judgment. And without understanding 
His standard displayed through His love His actions could be interpreted as 
tyrannical.  So how does anyone recognize, comprehend or understand  the 
righteousness of God?  Through the gospel:
Rom 1:16-17
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation 
to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.  For in it 
the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, "BUT THE 
And through extension, His son, Jesus Christ:
Romans 1:1-5
Paul, a bond- servant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle, set apart for the 
gospel of God, which He promised beforehand through His prophets in the holy 
Scriptures, concerning His Son, who was born of a descendant of David according to 
the flesh, who was declared the Son of God with power by the resurrection from the 
dead, according to the Spirit of holiness, Jesus Christ our Lord, through whom we 
have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith among all. 
the Gentiles for His name’s sake...
Through the Word of God, or the Holy Scriptures we see the details of righteousness
 displayed in the  WORK  of the cross because this work was declared right by God. 
And so, the righteousness and or holiness of God perfectly displayed through Christ.
In conclusion, the righteousness of God and everything that is entailed in it lays down
 the foundational standard for us to view and for us to measure ourselves against. 
Not only this but it works in reverse as well in that all of these things; grace,  mercy, 
redemption, judgment reveal the righteousness of God. 
Want to know more about the righteousness of God, read Romans!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Fixing the Eyes

What is the Word of God?  It is the living and eternal words of God that have been set down into temporal pages in order that we may see, experience, and understand the Living God through it.  Thank God that He gave us such a script so as not leave us floundering in wonder of His character and expectations.  It is a standard in which to constantly measure our lives against.  Not only this, but it is the standard that God set up that we can constantly measure Him (or our ideas of Him) up against .  How can one possibly expect to live any sort of religious life without such a book?  Almost every religion in the world has endeavored to have such a book.  These religious leaders have  realized that if there is not some sort of "standard"  by which to define themselves, their followers are left groping in want for a belief structure.  Even those that don't have any "formal writings" become or create those components for themselves because they comprehend deep inside the need for such. 
In a conversation with a  friend of mine one day I asked, "Who is your god?"
      She replied, "the universe". 
      I said, "How do you know that the universe is god?"
      She answered, "because I have been doing much reading and this is the conclusion I have reached after the books I have read."
Hmmm...  So whether these books were deemed authoritative or not did not matter to her. She reached her own conclusion through her own self-authentication.  Her experience,  thoughts and feelings were the only stamp of approval she felt she needed. 
Is there something wrong with this picture? Well, gee....YA!!!  If, as a finite being who has a beginning and an end on this earth, and who has a finite perspective of everything around including self, then the question begs to be asked,  "how can a conclusion be reached about an infinite god (as that generally is an accepted concept about godness) through finite derived means?

Ok...This commentary is not meant to be a philosophical debate about such things.  What it is meant to do is cause the Christian to consider how much they may think like the one who has no god or a god of their own making.  Is there, in our lives, too much experience, thoughts and feelings raised up as a standard for how we live our lives?  Do we base so many issues on opinions, assumptions or attitudes because it makes sense to us?... Because it fits into our  world view? Is our world view a bit tunnel visioned? If the answer is yes, which it probably is....there should be some healthy fear brewing up inside.

We have rulers, yes?  A foot is a foot due to a standard that was set up by some person long ago and it has remained the same ever since whether we like it or not.  We can't say, "I don't like that "foot".  It is too short.  I am changing it because I don't like it".   Or, " You know that "foot" is no longer relevant to how this society says I should live my life...  I am going to be 6 feet tall now regardless of what the standard says".  Good luck talking your doctor into that one. 

We have a standard or a "ruler" in which to measure our lives up against as was stated earlier.  Although the argument that says, "the Bible is quiet on that issue" may be true for a small percentage of discussions, it is completely rather loud on a much weightier percentage of points.  The only way one will find out what it says on those subjects is to read  IT.... and understand it unfiltered by the opinions of others written or otherwise.  It is nothing short of foolishness to base our perspective on our opinion or the opinion of others because it feels right.
Prov 14:12
There is a way which seems right to a man,
But its end is the way of death.

I pray that the Lord of all eternity will open our hearts and minds to purge the opinions based on perceptions drawn from ours and others' experiences, views or feelings.
Acts 17:11

Friday, August 23, 2013


I am writing this post for a friend who has been through some very traumatic changes in her life.  It has been, I think, 3 years now since her life has been flipped upside down. And it hasn't been one of those situations that she was able to just grieve and get over it....rather it has just kept spinning her life around in circles.  This encouragement is for her but I make it semi-public because this encouragement fits for all of those who call Christ Jesus their Lord. 

Do you ever wish that you could just have more money and  buy those things that would make your life easier? These things that aren't necessities but would sure come in handy.  It isn't that you're greedy...not at all.  It's just that you tire of having to do things the hard way.  It would be nice to have pretty things too....or things that give life that little extra fun-ness. Yep...me too! The kids and I watched a show about a family who was very rich and had all the money to buy whatever they needed and wanted, materially speaking. They were in the middle of building the largest 1 family dwelling in the nation when Dad had to declare bankruptcy and they very nearly lost everything.  They were in for a real shock when Mom couldn't run to the store and buy the coolest shoes at every one of their whims.   I don't think any of us want this kind of life....na...as believers we know better!  But maybe  our culture duped us into thinking a little too much like, well, like an American.  I can't speak for you, but I know that I think all too much like an  American and not like a Christian.  Think for a moment what it means to "pursue the American Dream".   House, job, money, career...yep.  And those are all good things.  I whole-heatedly believe that God has blessed this country because of our God-fearing roots.  But where do we draw the line between pursuing that dream and pursuing Christ? Or are they the same thing? After all God did bless this country in terms of being able to pursue that dream so maybe they are one in the same. 

What does the American Dream entail....first and foremost I think we can say productivity.  Let's define that word: Having the power of producing, generating, or creating (Dictionary.com). Ok. So as Americans we try to generate or produce the means to survive...a shelter, clothing, and food.  Plus, the things we want: Good food, nice clothes, nice house, recreation, toys. Now let's define productive from the Bible and compare the two definitions.
The actual word productive is only used once in the whole Bible:  Luke 12:16-17
 And He told them a parable, saying, "The land of a rich man was very productive."

So we here that it refers to the producing a crop.  The fig tree was rebuked by Jesus for not producing figs.
Matt 21:19
Seeing a lone fig tree by the road, He came to it and found nothing on it except leaves only; and He said to it, "No longer shall there ever be any fruit from you." And at once the fig tree withered.

So without belaboring the point too far. We see that in the simplest of terms that productive means to bear fruit.  And fruit being:
Gal 5:22-24

 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 24 Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

And so how to the two compare?  Already we see a fairly big difference.  Being productive as an American is to work...Being productive as a believer is to bear fruit. Let's go a step farther. The definition of being sanctified.
Rom 6:19

I am speaking in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh. For just as you presented your members as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness, resulting in further lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness, resulting in sanctification.

I could go on and on about what exactly this passage means but suffice it to say for lack of space and time that we are, as believers, in the process of being sanctified by the blood of Jesus.  What exactly does sanctified mean?  Being made holy...set apart or in the process of being changed into the likeness of Jesus....Yep....but what else or how does this practically play out in our daily lives? In the Greek it means set apart.  Set apart from what?  From the World and their purposes. Sanctified in the Enlish language is defined as being productive for a specific purpose. What is God's purpose for us? To bear fruit. How do we bear fruit?  By loving.  First by loving Him and then by loving the people that are around us. I like to place a colon after love in Galatians 5.  The fruit of the Spirit is love.  Love is joy peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control...there is no law against love and the way it is played out. We can do this as much as we want.

So as Christians we know that it is not our primary job to pursue the American Dream in terms of the beautiful house, and the beautiful clothes and beautiful food...(being the foody I am this is one is harder for me to let go of) ....right, this is a no brainer.  But  how much of the American Dream do we try to translate into our Christian lives...the beautiful ministry...the beautiful kids...the beautiful church...the beautiful conversions....the beautiful (insert your own).  Or we see our lack thereof and then guilt because we aren't producing according to the Christian American Dream (Gospel  according to me) guidelines.  All I can say here is....STOP IT!  Remember, "for by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is  the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast"
"As far as material fruit or wealth goes here is a great scripture:
Hab 3:17-19

Though the fig tree should not blossom
And there be no fruit on the vines,
Though the yield of the olive should fail
And the fields produce no food,
Though the flock should be cut off from the fold
And there be no cattle in the stalls, Yet I will exult in the LORD,
I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.  
The Lord GOD is my strength,
And He has made my feet like hinds' feet,
And makes me walk on my high places.

Ours is not the job to convert, to have the beautiful ministry, to have the beautiful church, the beautiful kids, the beautiful house, the beautiful life.....ours is to Worship the Lord and then to treat those around us with the love of God that He gives us while we worship.
Luke 12:31-32

 "But seek His kingdom, and these things will be added to you.   " Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.  

Give me the life of complete submission to Christ and His ways.....the wealth that God has ordained as GOOD!

Can anyone say AMEN?


Friday, August 2, 2013


Everything that is going through my head these days....
*my kids....need to work on doing more Bible focus time with them.
*My home town...love it here and pray for it's well being regularly.
*the prospect of having an empty nest....Lydia is 8 but it goes so fast and I am not looking forward to it. But I am too...ya know.
*the concept of submission as a believer....intrigued by the concepts that are fresh and new to me. Cant wait to share them.
*the upcoming wedding....overjoyed!
*resting in Christ...an underdeveloped skill in my life....this goes along with the submission concept too.
*fermenting....really want to get into this.
*the garden.....worked really hard on it, hope it produces some good stuff and hope I can preserve it properly which goes back to the fermenting.
*the future of our children in this country....concerned.
*the future of our country.....concerned.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Devotion Journal on Romans

I started reading Romans on January 1, 2013.  It has been a very interesting journey to say the least.  There are so many wonderful thought provoking tidbits and giant nuggets.  I have never spent an entire year reading a whole book before.  At times I get bogged down as I feel like I couldn't possibly be getting anything more out of a chapter having read it 50 times....I KNOW this is not true though and push on...making myself focus.  In this I have learned somethings about my own personal faith that I did not know before.   Here are some excerpts from my devotion journal for Romans.

From June 18 on Romans 4:    
This chapter talks about the faith that comes from God that is in God.  It is not faith in self that comes from self.  The world is full of talk about "believe in yourself".  The kids love to watch "Arthur".  Oh! the song at the beginning...."believe in yourself cause that's the place to start"...gets a rant out of me.  (my words now: I think they are quite clear on the truth concerning this point now).  Faith, as the world defines it, is faith in self or a self made image of god and is completely based on one's ability. This whole chapter makes it clear that I am incapable of maintaining a level of righteousness that God requires in my own strength and ability.  "For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. for what does the Scripture say? Abraham believed God and it was credited to Him as righteousness."  Rom. 4:2-3.   My only options are to either continue in my own strength and believe the lie that I can do it or believe, not just in God, but rather believe God. Grasping onto God who supersedes my own abilities exponentially. This is supernatural faith. A faith that in no way I am able to conjure up.  I can try to muster it up...and in the worlds eyes it may look like I am full of faith.  How often do I do this? So many say of so many others...."you are so strong!".   Hmmm. Am I so strong that I can look for all the world like I have faith?  I think I would rather be weak and have Him be strong in me.  I want  just enough ability  to maintain release into His hands.  Lord, help me...remove the cloak of my own righteousness and teach me how to put on Christ everyday and leave the work to You!

From April 21 on Romans 5:2
What does faith look like for me? I like the acronym:  Forsaking All I Trust Him.  This means to me that faith in Christ means that everything I do completely rides on Christ coming through for me.  I don't exercise this kind of faith near enough because I don't make many steps in my life that I need this kind of faith. I stay well within the realm of what I believe I can control or so I think.   And so I could  just leave this country and go on some missionary trip, I suppose.  With my dietary issues that would definitely be placing my life in His hands....hahaha.  But don't feel called. I don't feel called to start a big ministry. And I don't think it's right to make up a calling just so that I can feel like my life is bigger than what I can handle and so therefore my faith must be bigger.  Nope...don't think this is what God intends. Got to work it out though so here goes:   I am left with the thought that I must place all those little things of the day into His hands, surrendering all my mundane life issues that upset me to Him. The things in life that don't fit into my idea of being in control.  Ahhh...the definition of submission rolled into the bigger picture of faith.  Submission is letting go of my control and trusting in the control of something or someone else.  Here I see the ugly stronghold in my life.  My faith is not hindered by the fact that it is being challenged by a ministry, per se, but rather by the fact that I have trouble surrendering many of life's little challenges to Him. I have had the ministry.  I honestly don't see how that helped or hindered my growth in my faith in Christ in and of itself.  But  God gave me that calling for that time and hopefully I surrendered in it and grew. Ah ha.. The growth comes not through the calling but my ability to surrender within it whatever that calling may be. Be it planting a church, or starting a ministry or sitting quiet for a period of life, I need to learn the act of submission within it or surrender of control and faith that I don't have to wonder why or what or whatever ..this is where I am at...the verse goes on to say..."this grace in which we stand.."  So though I am "sitting" it out, for a lack of a better term, for a period of time, I am still to stand in the grace of God in surrender.  There is no time out  and I am not really sitting on the sidelines and watching the game. Luke 16:10-13: "He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much".   So am I here because I was unfaithful?  Maybe..I have definitely made some big mistakes, but I don't see it as negative.  What the Lord defines as "much" and what I define as "much" are completely different I am sure.  Human beings are so limited in our quantitative or even qualitative approach.  I think that the Lord, in His goodness and graciousness, and has an approach all of His own.  Thank You Lord...I love You!

From May 22 on Roman 4:19:
 This is really a very inspiring scripture on faith. Abraham considered the facts. The fact was he was 100 years old...the fact was Sarah had never bore children even in fertile years.  How much less would it be possible when she is well beyond child bearing years? The fact was that God had promised him to be a father. But it also goes onto say that in his consideration of the facts, Abraham did not waiver in faith. He considered the facts but did not allow them to change his level of belief that, no matter what God could fulfill the promise; despite any circumstances.   Lord help me...I need this kind of faith to be pleasing to You.

So anyway, I mostly just want to inspire anyone out there who might read this to read the scriptures regularly in a way that keeps you in the full counsel of the scriptures and then journal.....it is life changing. Journalling allows a mind to sort out the jumble of thoughts and emotions and helps to get them down in a form that is orderly.  Paul says in 1 Corinthians 10:5: "We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ".  Journaling helps to fulfill this. I don't know about you but when I read something I have read so many times before, the words become blurry and I am scanning over them in an absentee mind sort of way.  When I am journaling, however, this helps to overcome this.  So reader...journal away!