Sunday, March 27, 2011

Being Married

     Here's Darren, my husband, with our very fluffy Standard Poodle, Ezri.  Ezri is a girl who wishes that she was the Alpha female dog.  Every opportunity she gets she drapes herself across his lap and hopes that she is not disturbed.  She used to get very jealous when I would hug or kiss Darren, but alas, she has finally accepted the inevitable position of Beta female (for whatever that's worth!).
     Darren is a devoted dad and a doting husband.  He is one of the kindest people I know and has always been an example of Christ-likeness to me.  We met at at the Aspen Evangelism Project (Colorado) in 1987.  He and I were very like minded in our Christian beliefs that summer and became fast friends and eventual life long partners.  Our marriage hasn't been perfect and we have been through some trying times.  I think that one small determination that we both made right after marriage was to never allow the word, "divorce" enter into our language or to entertain thoughts of divorce. When we married we married for life.  Because of this I have never once been in fear that Darren will leave me or divorce me. 
     In the last 23 years of marriage I have learned that being married isn't about having that picture perfect relationship but rather about representing Christ in our marriage.   Well, when you join two people together at a young age who have two sets of expectations, two sets of values, two sets of beliefs, two sets of whatever, you will have conflict and not necessarily a picture of Christ!  The path towards a Christ centered marriage doesn't come from never having conflict but rather how that conflict is worked through.  Christ is found in the process of being broken and contrite.  Two acts which are not well approved of in the worlds eyes but two acts which will make a marriage not only work but look like Christ.  Are we there yet?  I can safely say that we are closer now then we were.  I can also say that we have farther to go. 
All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.
Heb 12:11

Monday, March 21, 2011

Gluten free is good!

Looking back to four and half years ago, I wonder how I fed my family gluten free without starving anyone...though my son may disagree with that statement.  At the time I led a Ladies Bible Study in my home.  Rather excitedly I would whip up something sweet (gluten free of course) for them to eat after study was over.  What great sports they were as they partook of my new recipes.  They were very gracious but it was rather clear that my food left quite a bit to be  I liked it simply because it offered some hope to me that I would/could eat yummy food again.  As time went on my taste buds became a bit more discriminating and those early recipes were long gone.  I spent much time in the library reading through recipes and browsing through internet sites.  I tested hundreds of recipes....some of those I still have and use, but most were dumped.  I have learned that there are as many tastes as there are gluten free flours and combinations thereof.  Personally, I find that the mixture of sorghum, brown rice flour, tapioca flour, and potato starch is the real winner for us.   I really like quinoa for thickening sauces and soup.   Cooked quinoa in salads is wonderful.  Quinoa is, in my opinion, not great for baking with.   This last Christmas I made Spritz cookies.  I was going to stick with my normal mixture but instead of grabbing the sorghum, I grabbed the  quinoa.  I did not realize my mistake until my son said, 'Ewww!  These have quinoa in them!"   I tasted them again and did pick up on that very distinctive flavor...but I thought it was good.   My guests (only the female ones) thought they were good too.  Well, what I learned was that my son can pick up the flavor of quinoa in everything!
My latest experiment was with Beef Wellington.  I have never eaten Beef Wellington but for some strange reason it was one of the first foods I mourned after my diagnosis....crazy, I know.  A few months ago I finally hit upon a recipe for bread that could be molded into a shape, which is quite a find for gluten free bread.  Most bread recipes are rather liquid before baking.   So I was enthused.  Now, I understand that true Beef Wellington is made with a pastry but I was going to stick with what I knew.  I cut the roast into small loaf sizes and wrapped them with ham, pureed mushrooms and my dough.   I baked them for 30 minutes at 350.  They were pretty good.   And, I must add, a big hit with my biggest critic, my son. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

     You just never know what wonderful things can come from stuff that happens in life.   Esther was basically kidnapped by the King to see if she would make a fitting Queen.  Ripped from her life with her cousin, who was much older and raising her, and set into a completely foreign scenario.  Low and behold she did become Queen. This is where we see how God's power used her painful circumstances to save her entire race of people from complete destruction.  An amazing story that can be found in the Bible...the book of Esther. 
     Four and half years ago I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease and a bit later learned that I was allergic to seven other foods...  In a nutshell, I don't eat like a normal person.  (If you would like to know more about Celiac Disease please visit  Because of my diagnosis, God has taught me how to "think outside the box".   I have a desire to share the things that God has taught me both spiritually and practically....and of course I want to learn from others so as to help others even more....what a great cycle that can be.  Here is a peek at some of the things I want to touch on in my blog:
--Food!!...Gluten free of course
--Woman stuff
--What does the Bible say about...
--Kid stuff...I have 1 grown child, a 12 year old and a 5 year old + 8 other kids I helped raise through foster care
--Gardening....not much experience here but I am really excited!
--Emergency preparedness...Eph 4:28-29  He who steals must steal no longer; but rather he must labor, performing with his own hands what is good, so that he will have something to share with one who has need.
--and last but not least ...compassion! 2 Cor 1:3-4  Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
Be blessed,